God moves into the neighborhood.
Series: Uncovering the Real Jesus 1/19/20
John 1:14-18
Temple Renovation
Series: Uncovering the Real Jesus 2/16/20
John 2:12-22
Nicodemus: Getting to the heart of the story.
Series: Uncovering the Real Jesus 3/1/20
John 3:1-16
God is ALWAYS at Work
Series: Uncovering the Real Jesus 4/17/20
John 5:1-18
Are You Listening?
Series: Proverbs 6/7/20
Prov.1:1-7 & 8:1-11

Fool Proofing Your Life
Series: Proverbs 6/27/20
Prov.1:1-7-22 & 30-32

The Beauty & Danger of Sex
Series: Provers (from 2020) 7/10/20
Proverbs 5:15-23 & 7:10-25

Pride and Humility
Series: Provers (from 2020) 8/9/20
Proverbs Various Verses

Pride and Humility
Series: Provers (from 2020) 8/9/20
Proverbs Various Verses

Words: The Power of Death and Life
Series: Provers (from 2020) 8/30/20
Proverbs 18:21

Why Hunger Matters
Series: Uncovering the Real Jesus 5/10/20
John 6:1-15
What are you drinking?
Series: Uncovering the Real Jesus 9/27/20
John 7:37-44
The Light We All Need
Series: Uncovering the Real Jesus 10/18/20
John 8:12-30
Who is your Father?
Series: Uncovering the Real Jesus 10/25/20
John 8:31-47

Herod: There can be only one King.
Series: Matthew’s Christmas Story 12/20/20
Matt. 2:13-23

Joseph’s Dilemma
Series: Matthew’s Christmas Story 12/6/20
Matt. 1:18-25